Cricket Club Dinner 2023

Annual Cricket Club Dinner

The SMCC Club Dinner is back for 2023, with a confirmed date of 7pm on Friday 17th November at Inverleith Clubhouse.

Tickets are priced at £30 for adults. We wish also to extend this invite to all partners of members, as well as club members currently in school years S4-S6 in thanks for their support of the club this summer. Please note that Licensing requirements mean that those Under 18 years of age must be accompanied by Parent / Carer – responsible adult
Tickets for juniors and students are £20
The night includes an excellent 3 course dinner and guest speaker

Adult attendees can pay here:
Juniors/Students can pay here:

It would be great to see a huge turnout from across the club to support what is always an enjoyable evening. Please confirm your attendance and any guests/dietary requirements to

Payment can also be made to the club bank account if preferred – 

Account name: SMCC
Account number: 00674475
Sort code: 80-11-00
Please include your name as the “reference”